Community Heroes


Age Group: 4-6 | Oct 2020

Crime Catchers

Crime Catchers photos Community Heroes TeachSTEAM


Marvelous Medics

Marvellous Medics photos Community Heroes TeachSTEAM


Feisty Firefighters

Feisty Firefighters photos Community Heroes TeachSTEAM


Sanitary Squad

Sanitary Squad photos Community Heroes TeachSTEAM

Age Group: 3-4, 5-6
Duration: 8 hours
Learning Outcomes:
Hands-on building experience, Creativity, Fun

Crime Catchers
Students learn about the brave police officers who keep our cities safe by catching criminals, enforcing the law, providing protection to people and events, and patrolling the streets. They build their crime catcher scene with police cars, jail and other police equipment.

Marvelous Medics
Students learn about the dedicated and hardworking doctors who are constantly treating people with their ailments. They also learn about frontline nurses and workers who risk their lives by providing healthcare services to us, especially in the current pandemic.

Feisty Firefighters
Students learn about the courageous firefighters who conquer mighty fires and rescue people by building elements from their daily routines, such as fire trucks, fire stations, ladders and more. They recreate their own scenes, like an active fire station, or a burning building with an ongoing rescue operation.

Sanitary Squad
Students learn about the diligent sanitary workers-the men & women who work hard day and night to clean our streets, collect our garbage and process the recyclables, discard the non-recyclables to keep our world a sanitary place. They create their own Emergency Room scene with stretchers, IV-stand, and other equipment.

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